Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

For my New Years' celebration, we dressed in clothes that make us happy,


Then, we eat yummy mexican food until ready to burst. Then we scour various Target stores for brownie mix and fun games. This is what we chose:


For an hour, I was Queen Spatula. I had to say izzle after everything I said. I had to see how many things I could stuff down my shirt and in my pockets in thirty seconds. As for what else this game entails. I'd tell you, but it's better if I show ya.

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Next, we played Pictureka. Find stinky things, flies, fire, and see of you can find 32 teeth.


She kicked our butts. I don't want to play that anymore. Okay, maybe a rematch. Best out of 5.

Then we had to take a little break to toast the New Year. Woot. 4234589194.jpg

Hmmm, what else is there left to do?

4234638082.jpg How about Wii tennis? 4234642852.jpg

After all that excitement, we decided to loll around eating brownies and watch this:

File-Hangoverposter09.jpg Yep. Who needs hoopla and debauchery when you have board games and crazy friends? Happy New Year, however you decided to ring it in.


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